Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Onsdag, 08. august 2012 02:02 |
If at a Christian gathering I asked the question, “Are there some here who have a need we should pray for?” It will be almost 100% certain that the prayer requests brought before us would be of a physical nature, of this and that sickness in the body. Now, I shouldn´t belittle that as we are encouraged to bring before the Throne our requests in everything! (Phil. 4:6). And we rejoice when we hear about the mercies of God in restoring sick bodies.
However, our need above all needs at this juncture is a spiritual one. At least this is my need. It was the need of the apostle Paul also, I believe. “I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart…” (Rom. 9:2). What weighs him down? His physical infirmities? No, he shares with us his burden for the salvation of “my brethren”, so precious to him but lost. “My heart´s desire and prayer to God is that they may be saved!” (Rom. 10:1)
This is my grief too, - the more people I talk to, the more I´m conscious of that “continual grief”. This would be my prayer request too, if at a meeting I was asked to raise my hand about a need to be prayed for. I´m sure you know of that grief yourself.
“Passion for Souls” was the title of a passionate book once written by the Canadian prince of missions, Oswald J. Smith (1889-1986) from Toronto. Oh, may we be caught by that holy passion. Søren Kierkegaard once said, “I don´t complain that our time is sinful. It´s miserable, it´s without passion!” Christians without passion are a contradiction - a parody or misbegotten case. Passion for souls should be our hallmark.
August 8, 2012 – jn