Forside Articles In the Lord´s Business
In the Lord´s Business Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 21. april 2012 14:55

Say it simple, say it often and let it burn!

In my very young days in the U.S. I learned to sing this simple chorus, which is a prayer:

Lead me to some soul today
and teach me, Lord, just what to say,
friends of mine are lost in sin
and cannot find their way!
Few there are who seem to care,
few there are who pray.
melt my heart and fill my life,
give me some soul today!

Do you know that one?  That prayer has been the yearning of all soul winners since the day of Pentecost or since the days of the apostle Paul, whose “heart´s desire and prayer” was to see souls saved (Rom. 10:1.)

You don´t believe how timid I was as a new believer.  I was extremely shy.  I was like Nicodemus that kept it all for myself to start with.  The Lord has changed all that.  Today I can hardly pass people on my beloved “trail” in Clovis (“Old Town Trail”) without trying to get connected, and at least they get my beautiful little gospel card.

A smiling, young couple greeted me yesterday.  We started talking and soon found out that we rejoiced in the same wonderful Savior. How it refreshed my heart.  I shared with them my yearning to see spiritual fruit.  They promised to pray for me, and I felt they really meant it.  So I walked on, strengthened and thankful to God.

1½ hours later I knocked at the door of a house that had asked me to drop by.  So I did.  I soon sat down with an elderly couple and asked them if I may share with them a gospel word.  I´d already met the gentleman once and he said that he hadn´t received Christ, “for I have too many sins to confess”.  What a wonderful opportunity to share with them what the gospel is really about, and they welcomed  my prayer for them.  In fact, they begged me to come back.

Just a few hundred yards from their house I saw a handsome, young man standing outside a house.  Very interesting as I pass by every day on my daily route, and I always whistle at the dogs behind the big fence.  They bark at me and I´m sure it´s a friendly barking.  Now the young man invited me in and let me greet the dogs “face to face” –  what a thrill!  They couldn´t get enough of me.

But the young man and I were soon in a wonderful conversation.  “It´s funny you come my way”, he said and told me how he was seeking spiritual reality despite the fact that his parents were atheists.  Zaven was his name, 20 years of age, and what a joy to show him from my New Testament  the simple, simple, simple way of salvation.  “Dare you trust that Savior”, I asked him.  He gave me his honest “yes”, and we prayed.

So thank you if some of you care to pray for these houses I´ve visited.  It has definitely nothing to do with me.  It is His leading, and the work must be the Holy Spirit´s alone.  But what a privilege to be His channel.  I´d just these days meditated on 2 Cor. 2:14-15 which speaks of being “the aroma of Christ” and that the fragrance of the gospel is spread through us as imperfect channels.

My life has its many sorrows, but also joys and excitements!  Nothing is so boring as just doing “business as usual”, and nothing is so exciting as being in the Lord´s unusual business!

Clovis, CA., April 21, 2012 – jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)