Forside Articles The Outsiders
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Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 12. marts 2012 04:51

”Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach!”  (Hebr. 13:13)

“Outside the camp” I take to mean the religious camp in the first place, but also the worldly establishment, the political order, the toothless diplomacy, the acceptance of “good Latin” (as we sometimes put it over here), the salvation of own efforts, the pleasure-loving church set-ups, etc., i.e. any man centered worship or culture where  Christ is ruled out, standing outside the door at which He´s knocking in vain (Rev. 3:20).  In other words, Christ and His followers are outsiders.

That doesn´t mean that we should become monks to protect ourselves from the world.  On the contrary, we don´t “need to go out of the world”, but we are called to stay there, work there, be good neighbors there, do our business there, even among immoral people, the covetous, extortioners and idolaters (1 Cor. 5:10), not to better the world (for it´s already doomed), but to be bold witnesses of the saving gospel with its cry, “Be saved from this perverse generation” (Acts 2:40).

I´m being bombarded with e-mails telling me what a failure Obama is.  The list of his unbiblical deeds  is very long.  That makes me sad, sometimes to the point where I honestly question the idea of visiting his country.  What in the world have I to do over there?  The apostle Paul could have asked the same question concerning Rome.  Why in the world go to that city?  And yet his business was not to straighten out the city or its evil emperor, but to preach the gospel and be a blessing to the saints in Rome.  Read his reason for wanting to come to Rome in Rom. 1:8-15.

Did he supply the saints with a long list of the emperor´s sins?  He could easily have done that, but he would rather say, “Pray for him and for those in authority!” Cf. 1 Tim. 2:2. The apostle Peter agreed and wrote, “Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the King!” (1 Pet. 2:17).

So after all I shall soon put my feet on American soil again where we also have our flesh and blood.  Not to straighten out the U.S., but to be its humble guest and be an ambassador for Jesus Christ, not necessarily on the green lawns of The White House, but among its people at eye level, for it´s still true today as it was when Jesus literally walked around 2,000 years ago, “The common people heard Him gladly!” Mk. 12:37.

March 12, 2012, - jn

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